Casper : Rusty Quill Mascot in Chief

Casper is Mascot in Chief and honourable seat warmer at Rusty Towers. He boosts morale for the humans and covers all RQ staff and equipment in fur to ensure all humans/properties are easily tracked.
Casper took pity on his human subordinates five years ago and has followed Rusty Quill’s success with much interest for he hopes to become CEO some day.
Teleportation or flying?
Tricky. I don’t like car journeys very much so teleportation would be useful. But flying would even up my odds for catching birds. So I’d like both please, thank you.
If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why?
The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. Honestly that island looks incredible. I found the whole film very relaxing and I’d be keen to book a holiday there one day.