
About Rusty Quill

Rusty Quill is limited liability company incorporated in the United Kingdom and subject to the laws of England and Wales.


Access to this web site is permitted on a temporary basis and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the service we provide on our site without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason our site is unavailable at any time or for any period.

The materials contained on our site are provided for general information purposes only and do not claim to be or constitute legal or other professional advice and shall not be relied upon as such. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on the information on this site and to the fullest extent permitted by English law, we exclude all liability for loss or damages direct or indirect arising from use of this site.


Rusty Quill is not responsible for any content posted by non-company users of these pages or its forums. Content may be reviewed prior to or following posting.

Gaming systems, settings and all other such material is copyright their respective owners and trademark holders and nothing on these pages is meant to infringe upon those rights. Please do not post copyrighted or trademarked material. Any violations of copyright, as well as other inappropriate content, found on this site can be removed without warning.

If any copyright holder has an issue with any material posted here, please contact us to discuss the matter.


Rusty Quill online content is distributed and licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International Licence.  Details can be found here:

What that means is that you are free to:

  • Share it: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
  • Adapt it: remix, transform, and build upon the material.

This comes with some legal requirements though:

  • You must give appropriate credit to the original product
  • You must provide a link to the license
  • You must provide a link to the original product and indicate if changes were made
  • You must not claim nor imply we endorse you or your work
  • Your work must also have the same creative commons licence applied to it
  • Your work cannot be used for any commercial purposes
  • You cannot apply new legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from accessing the content

You can download and reference our full Audio Fan Works notice here detailing the legal requisites for fan work based on our projects.

Additionally, if you are working on a fan-project and are unsure as to what steps you should take to ensure you do not violate our licenses, please contact us via and we will let you know.

We are thrilled so many fans want to support our work with their own projects and and we are happy to work with our fanbase to help make this process as easy as possible.

That said, we have been made aware of a few cases where people have violated these terms for personal gain and will take any legal action we feel is necessary to protect our intellectual property and ensure we can continue generating the content everyone loves and making it freely available to all.

Creative Commons is an absolutely awesome non-profit that makes it possible for creatives like us to get content out there without hiring an enormous team of lawyers. If you are a creative and/or feeling generous, we would suggest you might care to donate here: ( and help support them. They are doing brilliant work and we couldn’t give you the programmes you love if they didn’t exist.


Your privacy is important and we comply with the privacy and data protection laws presently in force in the United Kingdom. We respect your personal information and will not disclose such to third parties unless we need to do so to fulfill your requests, you expressly tell us to, we believe we are reasonably compelled to do so or we are required to do so by law.

These pages may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and⁄or practices of other sites.

We collect and store the information you give us when you become a member of our community. We may also track the number of people who view each page, and other site usage data, in order to inform the quality of service we offer. We may also record statistical information collected on our site to better understand our audience. This information is recorded as anonymous group statistical information and is not connected to any personal information that you provide as a member.

We may vary this or any other policy or terms from time to time. If you have any queries about the privacy policy or anything else on this page, please drop us a line to discuss it.

Forums and Reddit Terms of Use

When posting material in the forum, please ensure you follow these simple instructions:

  • Civility

We’re all friends here, so let’s keep it that way. Please don’t engage in personal attacks, name-calling or blanket generalisations in your discussions. Say how you feel or what you think but be careful about ascribing motives to the actions of others or telling others how they “should” think. Engagement and discussion is much more rewarding to taking cheap shots and intimidation.

  • Language

Rusty Quill does not employ language or profanity filters. We believe in our users to write coherently and engagingly and not in long strings of obscenities. Unless it’s justified. Seriously though, we’re not going pull someone up on account of swearing but just be sensible about it please. It’s possible that we will have minors browsing the site, so best to be aware of that.

We reserve the right to edit or delete any material we think might be discriminatory, inflammatory or just plain offensive though we will seek to engage in constructive discussion in most cases.

  • Referencing

When referencing any content from an ‘official source’ or some material whose copyright you do not hold or have the right to reproduce, please reference the material rather than simply copying it. Book and page references are much appreciated. Do not post the contents of the books themselves.