MAG Season 5 changes

Hi folks,

No doubt you’ll have seen across the entertainment spectrum that the current global situation is proving difficult for making things, particularly shows that often rely on a studio environment. Unfortunately, Rusty Quill is not immune to these forces. We were hopeful that we would be able to get through this without interruption to any of our shows, but this no longer the case. Especially as parts of our contingency planning have been set back, such as by postal delays in getting equipment to people. In order to ensure that production doesn’t get too tight, that we don’t risk pushing people to burnout, and that shows remain high quality, we have made some difficult decisions.

Notably, we are changing the release schedule for The Magnus Archives and splitting Season 5 into three Acts, which will come with a 6 week mid-season break between each. We feel that this will help keep the production efforts reasonable and also give listeners a bit of a breather between the different arcs, as this season has been rather heavy already.

We won’t be going dark during these breaks – you can continue to expect bonus content on the public feed throughout the hiatus periods.

What Season 5 now looks like:

End of Act I, MAG176 – 16th July 2020 Start of Act II, MAG177 – 3rd September 2020

End of Act II, MAG189 – 26th November 2020 Start of Act III, MAG190 – 14th January 2021

FINALE, MAG200 – 25th March 2021

Which means that we will be bringing The Magnus Archives to a close as the crowning part of the 5th anniversary celebrations of The Magnus Archives! (MAG001 – Anglerfish – debuted on 24th March 2016)

We would like to thank all of you in advance for your patience and ongoing generosity through this. We hope that you understand why we’re doing this; these are not decisions we took lightly, but for the health of the company, our staff and the shows themselves, they are necessary.

Cheers everyone,

Anil Godigamuwe Community Manager