Transcript Mini Update Monday 11th of October 2021

Hello all!

We recently committed to providing weekly updates on our progress creating transcripts, and we’re pleased to say that things continue to run well! Many thanks for your patience and support so far. Here is our third weekly update!

Update 11/10/2021:

Transcription of Rusty Quill Gaming is making great progress! We have now received and reviewed completed transcripts for many of the earliest and most difficult to transcribe episodes and we are confident that all episodes will be completed to the high standards of accuracy, quality, and accessibility that we wanted. The transcript company will keep us updated and we now estimate the completed transcription of the main campaign to be ready for release in January.

Our latest show, Enthusigasm, launched with transcripts for both public episodes and the extended Patreon versions. We are working hard to make sure that we’ll have completed transcripts attached to all upcoming Enthusigasm releases. During the preparation of Enthusigasm transcripts we have been able to solidify our processes to ensure that all new RQ original shows will come with transcripts.

Meanwhile we continue to work on reformatting our Stellar Firma and The Magnus Archives transcripts ready for public release and we will update soon.

We will provide another update next week!

Thanks again for your support,

Rusty Quill Team