Dice Shame

“Bad Dice, Pay The Price”

Dice Shame is a fantasy and comedy actual play podcast and loose play through of Wizards of The Coast’s Storm King’s Thunder D&D campaign. Dice Shame focuses on intense and heartfelt character moments, player and NPC growth, and a great balance of meta comedy and in-character laughter and love. Expect All the shocks, the twists, the turns and the moments where you just had to be there of your best game of D&D

The team behind Dice Shame pride themselves on high-quality audio, tight fast-paced editing, enhanced sound effects to bring scenes to life and the meaningful music that accompanies all of that. Furthermore, the Dice shame group emulate the real-life friendships they have and bring that, not only to the table, but to the ears of their audience. Alongside these warm and positive vibes listeners can also expect more than a few low rolling dice getting the shame they deserve.

Join DM Jo, her husband Harlan, their brother Alex & their best friends Rob and Alex as they experience unmissable, gut-wrenching, heart-aching, joy-filled moments.

Brand new episodes every Thursday.

Co-Creators Jo Guthrie and Harlan Guthrie and Justin James

Dungeon Master Jo Guthrie 

Performed By Rob Deobold, Alex Guthrie, Harlan Guthrie, Alex Nursall and Justin James

Edited by Harlan Guthrie 

Post Production by Harlan Guthrie and Justin James (Episodes 1 – 150)

Post Production by Harlan Guthrie (Episodes 150+)

Music and sound design by Justin James (Episodes 1-150)

Music and sound design by Harlan Guthrie (Episode 150+)


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Dice Shame

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