The Silt Verses

A dark road trip into the depths of unusual faith, ritual and sacrifice.

The Silt Verses is a full-cast audio drama that lurks in the grey area between horror and contemporary fantasy. Carpenter and Faulkner, worshippers of an outlawed god, are travelling up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations amongst the reeds and the wetlands. In these forgotten rural territories, new and strange gods of have flourished and Carpenter and Faulker must navigate this world of ritual, hidden language, and sacrifice. As they find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, the question remains: just how deep does their faith run?

Written and directed by Jon Ware

Produced by Muna Hussen

Edited by Sammy Holden

Performed by B. Narr and David S. Dear

Performed by B. Narr and David S. Dear

Recurring Cast and Collaborators:
Jamie Stewart, Jimmie Yamaguchi, Lucille Valentine, Méabh de Brún, Calder Dougherty, Daisy Bilenkin, Gordon Houston, Damien Nieweswand, Parley Cook, Jonah Knight, Mintaka Angell, Caleb Del Rio


2021 Audioverse Awards

Finalist in Performance of a Supporting Role in a new Production, Performance of a Leading Role in a new Production, Performance of a Guest Role in a new Production, Vocal Direction of a new Production, Action Sound Design for a new Production, …


A creepy, inventive gothic drama that has already been downloaded more than 100,000 times, The Silt Verses immerses you into a slippery world where some worship the Trawler Man and others, well, don’t. Carpenter (Irish) and Faulkner (American) are on … Raves, musicals and a time-travelling diner: 20 must-listen indie podcast gems - The Guardian (July 31, 2021)
The podcast is heavy, atmospheric. Things are dark, and grim, and delivered through a mix of dialogue and fierce narration. It's a moody tale, following many different strands of the vicissitudes of faith. Personal faith, driving journeys in life, … The Silt Verses - The Cambridge Geek (October 6, 2021)
The Silt Verses

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