Gift shoppe coming soon

Come in, come in. Pardon the decorators, please, they’re setting up some of the new pictures we’ve ordered to brighten the place up a bit. Oh trust me, you’re going to love them. The dogs in particular… oh sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. And, of course, if you like them, you can pick up a copy too. Well, not now, but soon.

Yes, next month Rusty Quill shall be launching its long awaited storefront! It’s taken a while to get here as we’ve had a few hiccoughs with art commissions along the way but we’re really pleased to announce that RQ merchandise will be available in April.

We’re not quite ready to reveal the first design but suffice to say we have commissioned the fantastically talented Anna Landin! Go check them out on Twitter (@AnnaLandin) or visit their webcomic – Grassblades – or tumblr while you wait!

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