With the upcoming 3 week mid-season break during The Magnus Archives Season 4, it’s a great opportunity for us to bring back something many of you have been asking for.

Welcome to Rusty Fears 2: Fear More…

After the rousing success of the Rusty Fears horror writing competition last year, we’re bringing it back this year, to see what new terrors you can bring to entertain us and our fans. And this time there is a THEME! This year, we would like to see your tales on the theme of Urban Legends. How you choose to interpret this is up to you, but we’ll be on the lookout particularly for original takes and/or exploration of tales that might be less well-known in traditional Western media.

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It’s back! It’s bigger & bolder than before! And what’s more, YOU can be there too!

That’s right, the Rusty Quill day-long charity livestream in aid of better mental health, raising money for MIND is almost upon us once again (sponsored in part by Focal Point VR and Ipsos Mori). On Saturday 8th December 2018, from 10am to 10pm, we will be broadcasting games and japes galore over on: a) Twitch – www.twitch.tv/rusty_quill; b) In full 360 VR on YouTube, courtesy of Focal Point VR; AND c) for the first time, in front of a live studio audience at The Old Library (Theatre Delicatessen), 39 Wells Way, London, SE5 0PX

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Do you like sci-fi? Do you like improvisational riffs about bespoke planet creation? Then welcome to the offices of Stellar Firma Ltd, where all your luxury planetary needs can be met!

We are pleased to announce the newest show on the Rusty Quill network – Stellar Firma is a sci-fi, semi-improvised, free-to-air weekly podcast, commissioned for an initial 25 episode season, and starring the vocal talents of Ben Meredith (Grizzop, Elias Bouchard) and, newest member of the Rusty Quill crew, Tim Meredith. As with our other shows, Patreon supporters at the $5+ level will get early access to episodes.

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The crew is heading out on expedition again! This weekend (August 10-12th 2018) we’re heading once more to NineWorlds, a celebration of all things geeky that London has to offer. And, once again, after a very successful stint last year, we shall be running the Rusty Quill RPG Corner in the Games Lounge (details below).

In addition to the gaming room, you can find the following crew at specific times, namely:

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It’s the time you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to announce the winners of the Rusty Fears horror short story writing competition.

The response to our very first competition was staggering to say the least – you all delivered very enthusiastically to the tune of 94 entries! Thanks to everyone who submitted entries and spread the word. The judging panel (comprising Alex, Jonny & Anil) eventually narrowed it down to a shortlist of 10 and from those, after much deliberation, has chosen their winners… <<drumroll.wav»

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Welcome folks! Apologies for the dust, it’s been a while since we’ve opened up the Customer Service desk here. But we have some exciting news for you today. And an opportunity…

If you’re a fan of The Magnus Archives, you’ll probably know by now that we will be taking a mid-season break after MAG100 (April 5th 2018). This is so we can get some production issues sorted, finalise Season 3 castings, and just give Jonny a chance to lay down his pen for a few moments. [cue Alex voice] The Magnus Archives will resume on May 17th 2018. Rest assured, we have some nifty treats planned for the break so your feeds will not be empty.

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Welcome, welcome… oh don’t mind the bottles, we’ve been celebrating reaching the end of Season 2 of The Magnus Archives and the crew are taking some much needed R&R before we start work on Season 3.

While you’re here though, would you mind helping us out a bit? See, there’s this SURVEY we’d really like if you could fill in. We’ve been asked to put this out by our hosting company, so that they might be able to better tailor their advertising on our podcast and, hopefully, means that we can get a better share of the ad revenue. Which, in turn, means more money we can put towards improving our productions.

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Thanks so much to all who visited us at the NineWorlds Convention – we loved meeting & running games for you and it really helped make the Rusty Quill Gaming Corner a success.

But don’t worry if you couldn’t make it down – there’s another chance to see us live in London! On Thursday 17th August, we’ll be doing a live double-bill with the Chaotic Adequate team at The Harrison (28 Harrison St, King’s Cross, London, W1CH 8JF). Tickets are still available HERE to see Alex, Lydia, Ben and guest bring the energy of the Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast to the stage.

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The crew is going on an expedition! We’re venturing out from Rusty Towers this weekend (August 4-6th) into the wilds of West London and NineWorlds 2017, the best and most-inclusive celebration of all things geeky that London has to offer. And, what’s more, we’ve got the great honour of co-running the Gaming Lounge (Cognac room) and the Roleplaying Corner therein (details below).

In addition to the gaming room, you can find the following crew at specific times, namely:

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Why yes, we have just acquired some new stock for the Gift Shoppe. There’s an owl, some tapes and a flurry of quills…

Our first designs for the Magnus Archives are now in and looking good! Head to the storefront at Redbubble where you can find Rusty Quill logos and some lovely Magnus images, including the brooding owl logo of The Magnus Institute itself.

Happy shopping folks!

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