Chapter and Multiverse

Same city. Different universes. Infinite stories.

Chapter and Multiverse is a brand-new actual play podcast, using multiple game systems of different genres to explore the city of Chapter. Every new campaign is set in the same city, but in a different alternate universe. ​

One season, Chapter may be a medieval fantasy town complete with monarchs, magic and monsters, but another season, it may be a gritty futuristic metropolis where corporations control everyone’s daily lives. Along the way the Eternal Tavern Keeper guides the listeners, and the characters, in their journeys through Chapter and beyond.​

Executive Producers Alexander J Newall and April Sumner.

Produced by Natasha Johnston

Created and Directed by Maddy Searle ​​

Recurring cast: Karim Kronfli, Ben Meredith, Ahmed Aljabry, Connie Chang, Lowri Ann Davies, Pip Gladwin, Helen Gould, Lydia Nicholas, Shamini Bundell, and Maddy Searle ​

Edited by Lowri Ann Davies, Cathy Rinella, Tessa Vroom, Nico Vettese and Maddy Searle ​


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Chapter and Multiverse

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