Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

Erasing the line.

The Rusty Quill Gaming podcast is an actual play podcast following a mixed ability group of comedians, improvisers, gamers, and writers as they play through the extended, tabletop roleplaying campaign Erasing the Line, an original game world of the GM’s crafting.

Using the Pathfinder gaming system, the party comprising Zolf (dwarf cleric), Cel (half-elf alchemist), Hamid (halfling sorcerer) and Azu (orc paladin of Aphrodite) attempt to endure the best Alex the GM can throw at them in an alternate version of London and beyond. Expect epic battles, critical misses, and the occasional special guest as the party strive for fame and glory whilst cracking wise and trying not to kill one another.

We also release one-off specials featuring special guest GMs and players that showcases other gaming systems and settings. To date, guests have included Grant Howitt, Ed Croft, Tim Meredith, Alice Bell, Lowri Ann Davies, Frank Voss, Sasha Sienna and Sean F. Smith.

Executive Producers Alexander J Newall & April Sumner

Produced by Hannah Preisinger & Lowri Ann Davies​

Created and Directed by Alexander J Newall​

Featuring Ben Meredith, Bryn Monroe, Lydia Nicholas, James Ross & Helen Gould

Edited by Ed von Aderkas, Lowri Ann Davies, Marisa Ewing, Tessa Vroom and Cathy Rinella​

Music by Sam Jones


Podcast Awards 2016

Podcast Awards 2016

Best Games & Hobbies Podcast nominee

Audio Verse Awards 2019

Winner of 3 Audio verse Awards 2019 including Best Improvised Production


Coming soon!

Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

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